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List of hacking websites

Posted on 06 Apr 2020.
hacking learn practice exploit

Have you ever wondered where to start hacking, acquire more hacking knowledge and even train, test and improve your hacking skills? Here is a compilation, collection, list, directory of the best sites that will help you. The sites listed below will help you understand and practice every aspect of the secure (or rather insecure) side of software, networks (networking), servers and every single element that may be exposed in the(our) binary world.

Please note that this is a mere compilation, all credits go to their respective authors. Creating such challenges requires and involves a lot of time, knowledge and creativity. Respect their work.

Website list

The list is ordered in no particular way.

Courses, guided learning

CTF Tools

Other compilations

There are also other websites that, just like this one, in turn gather the best in order to bring us a huge variety of hacking training platforms/frameworks.


Author note

This compilation is in constant growth and change as it’s being actively maintained. If you miss a page and consider it is worth posting, have suggestions or find errors, please contact the author (@Razvieu).

Deprecated sites

Sites that once were available for public access but not anymore.